GSE UK Virtual Conference 2024

Where Technology and Talent meet Tomorrow


Conversion of Mainframe languages and databases

Many of the mainframe 3GL and 4GL languages, application generators, and databases offered huge productivity gains in their day, but now annual licence renewal costs, skills shortages, and excessive upgrade charges make them very expensive to run.

TSG provides a solution by converting these proprietary and out-of-date technologies into COBOL for the applications, and DB2 for the databases.

Typical conversion candidates are:  

  • Cincom MANTIS and SUPRA (PDM and RDM)
  • CA-IDMS & CA-ADS/Online  
  • CA-Easytrieve
  • CA-Telon (including a replacement development tool, Casegen)
  • IBM CSP/Visual Age
  • CA-Ideal and CA-Datacom
  • PL/I
  • Assembler 
  • Software AG Natural and Adabas 

Please see for more details.