GSE UK Virtual Conference 2024

Where Technology and Talent meet Tomorrow

Fitz Software & Co.

Fitz Software, established in 1991, offers z/OS software users innovative and niche products that benefit their evolving systems at justifiable prices with increased automation. We license and support the products from NewEra Software, Data21 Software, Astrom Software, Log-On Software, Zetaly, UBS-Hainer Software, CASI Software, Phoenix Software Intl, Trident Services, and MaIntegrity

Our primary products cover areas in:

Change, Risk, Audit,  Security & Compliance Management

Change management, audit and security improvements with system integrity in z/OS, JES, VTAM, TCP/IP, CICS and IODF. Detect the impact of changes and the risks on your primary servers before they strike across your Production Services. Controls in place for ISPF and command access with MFA controls.

z/OS Enhancement Software - Operations & Applications

File encryption and archiving; test data generation; naming standards and audit; and who’s using what in the z/OS software portfolio, automatic identification, backup and recovery of files vital to mission critical applications; …

Test Data Management & Database Productivity (DB2, IMS, Oracle, SQLDS)

Quickly and efficiently copy, refresh and replicate databases, tables, views, etc. within the same or to different DBMS systems/platforms. Data Masking/Anonymization. Reduce CPU service costs - Fastest cloning of pre-production and test DB2 sub-systems, databases and tables in 24x7 environments, Bufferpool optimization, Automated DB maintenance enhancing existing utilities, Exception Master to determine problems before they bring down any systems, …

Capacity Planning, Software Asset Management & z Cost Reduction

Who’s using what and when in the z/OS software portfolio – IBM and ISV products and inhouse applications including also 4GL, Interpreter languages, ISPF, JCL, ...; Automated Software Capping; Offloading audit functions; Capacity planning. Performance Management

More details on our website at