Stream: CICS
Time: 13:00 - 14:00
This session focuses on z/OS Connect EE performance and workload management considerations. How do you measure the performance of an API? How do you balance an API workload across a cluster of z/OS Connect EE instances and CICS regions? How do you monitor the API workload? We’ll look at how clients are deploying z/OS Connect EE to API enable their CICS applications, and how they are addressing these requirements.
There is currently no attachment for z/OS Connect EE performance and workload management considerations
Nigel Williams is an IT Specialist working at the IBM Client Center in Montpellier, France. Nigel specializes in CICS integration, API enablement, and mainframe security topics. He helps clients to design and test mainframe integration solutions. He is the author of many papers and Redbooks
publications. Previously Nigel worked as a Developer and Tester at the IBM Hursley Software Lab.
Nigel Williams is an IT Specialist working at the IBM Client Center in Montpellier, France. Nigel specializes in CICS integration, API enablement, and mainframe security topics. He helps clients to design and test mainframe integration solutions. He is the author of many papers and Redbooks
publications. Previously Nigel worked as a Developer and Tester at the IBM Hursley Software Lab.
Nigel Williams is an IT Specialist working at the IBM Client Center in Montpellier, France. Nigel specializes in CICS integration, API enablement, and mainframe security topics. He helps clients to design and test mainframe integration solutions. He is the author of many papers and Redbooks
publications. Previously Nigel worked as a Developer and Tester at the IBM Hursley Software Lab.
Nigel Williams is an IT Specialist working at the IBM Client Center in Montpellier, France. Nigel specializes in CICS integration, API enablement, and mainframe security topics. He helps clients to design and test mainframe integration solutions. He is the author of many papers and Redbooks
publications. Previously Nigel worked as a Developer and Tester at the IBM Hursley Software Lab.
Nigel Williams is an IT Specialist working at the IBM Client Center in Montpellier, France. Nigel specializes in CICS integration, API enablement, and mainframe security topics. He helps clients to design and test mainframe integration solutions. He is the author of many papers and Redbooks
publications. Previously Nigel worked as a Developer and Tester at the IBM Hursley Software Lab.
Nigel Williams is an IT Specialist working at the IBM Client Center in Montpellier, France. Nigel specializes in CICS integration, API enablement, and mainframe security topics. He helps clients to design and test mainframe integration solutions. He is the author of many papers and Redbooks
publications. Previously Nigel worked as a Developer and Tester at the IBM Hursley Software Lab.
Nigel Williams is an IT Specialist working at the IBM Client Center in Montpellier, France. Nigel specializes in CICS integration, API enablement, and mainframe security topics. He helps clients to design and test mainframe integration solutions. He is the author of many papers and Redbooks
publications. Previously Nigel worked as a Developer and Tester at the IBM Hursley Software Lab.
Nigel Williams is an IT Specialist working at the IBM Client Center in Montpellier, France. Nigel specializes in CICS integration, API enablement, and mainframe security topics. He helps clients to design and test mainframe integration solutions. He is the author of many papers and Redbooks
publications. Previously Nigel worked as a Developer and Tester at the IBM Hursley Software Lab.
Nigel Williams is an IT Specialist working at the IBM Client Center in Montpellier, France. Nigel specializes in CICS integration, API enablement, and mainframe security topics. He helps clients to design and test mainframe integration solutions. He is the author of many papers and Redbooks
publications. Previously Nigel worked as a Developer and Tester at the IBM Hursley Software Lab.
Nigel Williams is an IT Specialist working at the IBM Client Center in Montpellier, France. Nigel specializes in CICS integration, API enablement, and mainframe security topics. He helps clients to design and test mainframe integration solutions. He is the author of many papers and Redbooks
publications. Previously Nigel worked as a Developer and Tester at the IBM Hursley Software Lab.
Nigel Williams is an IT Specialist working at the IBM Client Center in Montpellier, France. Nigel specializes in CICS integration, API enablement, and mainframe security topics. He helps clients to design and test mainframe integration solutions. He is the author of many papers and Redbooks
publications. Previously Nigel worked as a Developer and Tester at the IBM Hursley Software Lab.
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