Stream: Virtual Room 1
Time: 15:30 - 16:30
MQ is widely used across today's z/OS environments, and as with other technologies across the platform its SMF data offers rich potential insights for its management and operation.
But sites often report challenges to gaining visibility into, and deriving value from, their SMF data in general and MQ SMF data in particular. This may reflect that reporting capabilities for MQ data have often lagged those of other aspects of the z/OS infrastructure, due to limitations of available tooling, the need to learn unfamiliar tooling that is siloed by area, and constraints in the time and expertise required to develop in-house programs.
But what if you had easy visibility into MQ SMF data, with minimal effort expended trying to mine the data, so you could focus your attention solely on exploring, analyzing, and learning?
This session is designed to provide you just that learning opportunity through exploring MQ Statistics (SMF 115) and Accounting (SMF 116) data.
Join us and find out "where the data leads us and what it teaches us" (to quote the distinguished Martin Packer).
And after we complete our learning journey, don't be surprised if you can't wait to dive in and explore your own MQ SMF data at a whole new level.
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Todd Havekost has over 40 years of IT experience with a primary focus on system and subsystem performance across the IBM Z platform. He joined IntelliMagic in 2016 after experiencing first-hand as a customer the visibility IntelliMagic Vision provides into SMF data, and now spends his days helping customers derive great value from their own SMF data to improve availability and performance. Todd is a highly-regarded industry speaker and has given award winning presentations at events such as SHARE and CMG.
Todd Havekost has over 40 years of IT experience with a primary focus on system and subsystem performance across the IBM Z platform. He joined IntelliMagic in 2016 after experiencing first-hand as a customer the visibility IntelliMagic Vision provides into SMF data, and now spends his days helping customers derive great value from their own SMF data to improve availability and performance. Todd is a highly-regarded industry speaker and has given award winning presentations at events such as SHARE and CMG.
Todd Havekost has over 40 years of IT experience with a primary focus on system and subsystem performance across the IBM Z platform. He joined IntelliMagic in 2016 after experiencing first-hand as a customer the visibility IntelliMagic Vision provides into SMF data, and now spends his days helping customers derive great value from their own SMF data to improve availability and performance. Todd is a highly-regarded industry speaker and has given award winning presentations at events such as SHARE and CMG.
Todd Havekost has over 40 years of IT experience with a primary focus on system and subsystem performance across the IBM Z platform. He joined IntelliMagic in 2016 after experiencing first-hand as a customer the visibility IntelliMagic Vision provides into SMF data, and now spends his days helping customers derive great value from their own SMF data to improve availability and performance. Todd is a highly-regarded industry speaker and has given award winning presentations at events such as SHARE and CMG.
Todd Havekost has over 40 years of IT experience with a primary focus on system and subsystem performance across the IBM Z platform. He joined IntelliMagic in 2016 after experiencing first-hand as a customer the visibility IntelliMagic Vision provides into SMF data, and now spends his days helping customers derive great value from their own SMF data to improve availability and performance. Todd is a highly-regarded industry speaker and has given award winning presentations at events such as SHARE and CMG.
Todd Havekost has over 40 years of IT experience with a primary focus on system and subsystem performance across the IBM Z platform. He joined IntelliMagic in 2016 after experiencing first-hand as a customer the visibility IntelliMagic Vision provides into SMF data, and now spends his days helping customers derive great value from their own SMF data to improve availability and performance. Todd is a highly-regarded industry speaker and has given award winning presentations at events such as SHARE and CMG.
Todd Havekost has over 40 years of IT experience with a primary focus on system and subsystem performance across the IBM Z platform. He joined IntelliMagic in 2016 after experiencing first-hand as a customer the visibility IntelliMagic Vision provides into SMF data, and now spends his days helping customers derive great value from their own SMF data to improve availability and performance. Todd is a highly-regarded industry speaker and has given award winning presentations at events such as SHARE and CMG.
Todd Havekost has over 40 years of IT experience with a primary focus on system and subsystem performance across the IBM Z platform. He joined IntelliMagic in 2016 after experiencing first-hand as a customer the visibility IntelliMagic Vision provides into SMF data, and now spends his days helping customers derive great value from their own SMF data to improve availability and performance. Todd is a highly-regarded industry speaker and has given award winning presentations at events such as SHARE and CMG.
Todd Havekost has over 40 years of IT experience with a primary focus on system and subsystem performance across the IBM Z platform. He joined IntelliMagic in 2016 after experiencing first-hand as a customer the visibility IntelliMagic Vision provides into SMF data, and now spends his days helping customers derive great value from their own SMF data to improve availability and performance. Todd is a highly-regarded industry speaker and has given award winning presentations at events such as SHARE and CMG.
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