
Anthony Ciabattoni


Anthony Ciabattoni is an IBM Certified Executive IT specialist and a current member of the

Db2 for z/OS Development SWAT team based out of the Silicon Valley Lab and has worked

directly with Db2 for z/OS for over 27 years. His experience includes being a customer lead

Db2 architect and working in the Db2 for z/OS Tools development lab. He is a recognized Db2

for z/OS SME, has been a member of the IBM Db2 for z/OS Customer Advisory Council for

over 12 years, and was elected as an IBM Information Champion for nine consecutive years

before joining IBM. In Anthony’s current role as a Senior technical advocate for Db2 for z/OS

Development Lab, he conducts consulting and educational workshops, Db2 health checks,

and 360 Continuous Availability studies for worldwide Db2 for z/OS customers. He also works

as a lab advocate to some of IBM’s largest North American customers. He presented Db2

topics at IBM worldwide conferences, IDUG (NA, SA, EMEA), and SHARE Conferences (US).

He co-authored numerous IBM Redbooks publications and white papers.


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