Stream: Virtual Room 6
Time: 15:30 - 16:30
We'll review some of the work the team has completed recently, what we are working on now, as well as peer into our crystal ball to reveal what the future holds for NetMaster. Broadcom has doubled down on its investment in NetMaster, and the results are in! Join us to find out more.
There is currently no attachment for NetMaster Development Update and Roadmap Review
22+ Years of mainframe experience, primarily in the automation and mainframe security disciplines. Joined Broadcom in 2019 and am the Product Manager for NetMaster.
22+ Years of mainframe experience, primarily in the automation and mainframe security disciplines. Joined Broadcom in 2019 and am the Product Manager for NetMaster.
22+ Years of mainframe experience, primarily in the automation and mainframe security disciplines. Joined Broadcom in 2019 and am the Product Manager for NetMaster.
22+ Years of mainframe experience, primarily in the automation and mainframe security disciplines. Joined Broadcom in 2019 and am the Product Manager for NetMaster.
22+ Years of mainframe experience, primarily in the automation and mainframe security disciplines. Joined Broadcom in 2019 and am the Product Manager for NetMaster.
22+ Years of mainframe experience, primarily in the automation and mainframe security disciplines. Joined Broadcom in 2019 and am the Product Manager for NetMaster.
22+ Years of mainframe experience, primarily in the automation and mainframe security disciplines. Joined Broadcom in 2019 and am the Product Manager for NetMaster.
22+ Years of mainframe experience, primarily in the automation and mainframe security disciplines. Joined Broadcom in 2019 and am the Product Manager for NetMaster.
22+ Years of mainframe experience, primarily in the automation and mainframe security disciplines. Joined Broadcom in 2019 and am the Product Manager for NetMaster.
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