Stream: Virtual Room 6
Time: 09:00 - 10:00
IBM Z System Automation (SA) is a policy-based, self-healing, high-availability solution to optimise efficiency and availability of critical systems and applications. It is designed to reduce administrative and operational tasks; customisation and programming effort; and automation implementation time and costs associated with Parallel Sysplex automation and policy-based automation. Leveraging the tight integration with Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex (GDPS), SA also provides sophisticated disaster recovery capabilities for IBM Z systems. This session will offer an introductory view into IBM Z System Automation for those at a more intermediate knowledge level.
There is currently no attachment for Introduction to SA (Systems Automation)
Systems programmer - monitoring and automation specialist at Nationwide Building Society
Systems programmer - monitoring and automation specialist at Nationwide Building Society
Systems programmer - monitoring and automation specialist at Nationwide Building Society
Systems programmer - monitoring and automation specialist at Nationwide Building Society
Systems programmer - monitoring and automation specialist at Nationwide Building Society
Systems programmer - monitoring and automation specialist at Nationwide Building Society
Systems programmer - monitoring and automation specialist at Nationwide Building Society
Systems programmer - monitoring and automation specialist at Nationwide Building Society
Systems programmer - monitoring and automation specialist at Nationwide Building Society
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