Stream: Virtual Room 6
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Introduction into disk management also touching on how this can be utilised with GDPS (Geographically dispersed Parallel Sysplex). This session will provide a primary focus on services such as PPRC (Peer to Peer Remote Copy), GM (Global Mirror), Hyper Swap and how these functions work within the z/OS environment.
There is currently no attachment for Disk storage 102 - A local real world example (with a bit of GDPS)
z/OS Systems Programmer at Nationwide Building Society. Also prone to talking about music, radio & shepherding.
z/OS Systems Programmer at Nationwide Building Society. Also prone to talking about music, radio & shepherding.
z/OS Systems Programmer at Nationwide Building Society. Also prone to talking about music, radio & shepherding.
z/OS Systems Programmer at Nationwide Building Society. Also prone to talking about music, radio & shepherding.
z/OS Systems Programmer at Nationwide Building Society. Also prone to talking about music, radio & shepherding.
z/OS Systems Programmer at Nationwide Building Society. Also prone to talking about music, radio & shepherding.
z/OS Systems Programmer at Nationwide Building Society. Also prone to talking about music, radio & shepherding.
z/OS Systems Programmer at Nationwide Building Society. Also prone to talking about music, radio & shepherding.
z/OS Systems Programmer at Nationwide Building Society. Also prone to talking about music, radio & shepherding.
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