Stream: Becketts
Time: 16:45 - 17:45
Mainframe DevOps, as continuous process of developing and deploying software, is severely limited in today’s world. This session will show how continuous audit processes, working with tools like ISPW, Endevor, Changeman and others, can prove that what got tested and approved, actually got deployed correctly and remains in its trusted state.
See how you can:-
• Identify deployment problems before they cause outages
• Avoid SolarWinds style assaults on your DevOps processes
• Share information between development, change control, SMF and operations
• Embrace Cloud, Linux and Windows platforms with a mainframe hybrid strategy
Using REST APIs, integrate the mainframe with the rest of the DevOps toolchain to reduce effort while increasing uptime. Break down information and skill silos by using a native z/OS web browser to visualize the entire deployment process. In the final analysis, you can eliminate finger-pointing and production failures with easy lessons from an experienced team.
There is currently no attachment for DevSecOps – Preventing Supply Chain Attacks while securing your DevOps process
Al Saurette has been delivering innovation to IT problem areas for over 30 years. With experience on mainframes, open systems and mobile platforms, Al is a thought leader in the area of security and compliance for major banks, insurance and government clients throughout North America, Europe and around the world. Al is now focused on combating Ransomware and other internal threats to security at the enterprise level.
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