Stream: Becketts
Time: 10:15 - 11:15
A challenge facing mainframe Db2 shops is how to become more agile with modern tooling, yet leverage the existing resources and skills that power their z/OS systems.
Zowe provides a way to do this through its Visual Studio Code plugins, its browser based web desktop, and its command line interface.
This allows Db2 shops to leverage their existing JCL and REXX libraries, their existing stored procedures, their existing SQL scripts, and surface existing resources in new form factors for DevOps tool chains, for automation, for operations, and more.
These can be used by experienced mainframers as well as folks new to the platform, providing a bridge between familiar open source tools and Db2 on z/OS.
This talk will demonstrate using Zowe Explorer inside Visual Studio Code as well as free to use community extensions to create a powerful next generation Db2 z/OS platform covering development and debugging of stored procedures, working with static and dynamic SQL, coding and executing JES, JCL and REXX scripts, all with real world examples and customer success stories.
There is currently no attachment for Why the integration between Zowe and Db2 for z/OS is important for experienced and new mainframers?
Joe is a Senior Technical Staff Member in the IBM z Systems software group. He is a member of the Zowe open mainframe project working with customers and business partners to create an open source tooling platform for z/OS tools.
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