Stream: Becketts
Time: 11:45 - 12:45
Zowe is at the moment undoubtedly the most popular mainframe Open Source solution.
With the release of the V2 there is no doubt that it’s a mature and widely adopted solution.
Based on the research up to 70% of mainframe users plan to deploy Zowe by the end of this year.
But what does actually Zowe brings to the table?
Where is it going in the future?
In this session you will learn about the main use cases for Zowe and why it may help you with challenges you are facing either if you are in a modernization process by introducing other approaches to access the mainframe than just the traditional TN3270 green screen or if you are onboarding new talent, not experienced on mainframe.
You will also learn what’s next, what are the next area of improvements going further within V2.
Last but not least you will be introduced to the incubators that are bringing totally new capabilities to the Zowe and we hope that you will love them.
There is currently no attachment for Zowe (r)evolution with V2 and beyond
A long-term enthusiast who is interested in building more secure solutions. Currently working as Zowe TSC chair and an engineer of the API Mediation Layer. Previously working in the Space-related business, collaborating with NASA and ESA as Gisat's Head of Application development.
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