Stream: Suzuka
Time: 16:45 - 17:45
Gone with the Bytes
In this session you will be introduced to the world of digital forensic science; what is it, it's application and the legal framework.
Bad ‘actors’ [the bad guys!] use many techniques to access and steal confidential and sensitive data.
We’ll look at some of the techniques they employ – it’s in all of our interests to be more aware of the threats our organisations face.
The scary thing to note is that the methods discussed will not involve the use of any specialist software!
Whether you are looking to develop a career in forensic science, or are merely looking for insights about how to better defend your organisation, this is guaranteed to be a hugely fascinating presentation.
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Since my first introduction to computers, albeit through the gaming industry, I was fascinated with the log and algorithms that make computers do what they do. Furthermore, the people who write the programs and what goes on in their minds. I worked my way through various roles in IT, ranging all the way from a PC operator through to a fully-fledged support engineer. I was introduced and developed a passion for forensic science and then digital forensics, as I saw the world was changing rapidly and there was a greater need for a sophisticated approach to guarding valuable corporate and customer data.
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