
Shh! Don't Say the M-Words; How to Talk About Mainframes and Modernization


Stream: Copse
Time: 13:45 - 14:45


To the non-mainframer, the word "Mainframe" comes with lots of assumptions, usually not complimentary. That other M-word, "Modernization", is too often assumed to mean "getting off the mainframe". In this session, we'll explore the words "Mainframe" and "Modernization". Misty Decker has many years of experience convincing the naysayers that mainframes are amazing and helping them understand modernization in context of leveraging their existing environment. She will show you how you can avoid confusion and arm you with the words to convince anyone, including your management, that their mainframe should be an integral part of their modernization strategy.


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  • Misty Decker at ?
  • Through 30 years, 2 companies and 8 career changes, two things have remained constant in Misty Decker’s career: mainframes and a passion for helping people. Misty spent most of her career at IBM leading in roles such as system administrator, project management, customer satisfaction, HW development manager and academic outreach. She currently is a Product Marketing Director at Micro Focus helping companies learn how to modernize their existing mainframe applications with concepts such as DevOps, microservices and cloud.



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