Stream: Copse
Time: 11:45 - 12:45
Has your organization announced a "Cloud Strategy" or a "Replace the Mainframe" strategy and called it their "Modernization Project"? Ideally, modernization is more about meeting business needs than about the technology. But too often, modernization plans are made at the top levels of the organization with little or no input from the mainframe teams. By partnering across the organization, you can personally drive a better modernization strategy from the practitioner level. In this session, you will learn a step-by-step strategy for changing the conversation and ensuring the mainframe is fully included in your organization's modernization strategy.
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Through 30 years, 2 companies and 8 career changes, two things have remained constant in Misty Decker’s career: mainframes and a passion for helping people. Misty spent most of her career at IBM leading in roles such as system administrator, project management, customer satisfaction, HW development manager and academic outreach. She currently is a Product Marketing Director at Micro Focus helping companies learn how to modernize their existing mainframe applications with concepts such as DevOps, microservices and cloud.
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