Stream: Vale
Time: 11:45 - 12:45
Today’s malicious attacks on mainframes include timebombs, multiple back doors and other malicious attacks that persist in the software layer long after the data is restored. If you can’t determine which components were affected, and be able to restore them to a trusted state before they were compromised, the perpetrators simply use another back door, re-encrypts the database, and you are back to Square 1.
This session focusses on how to:
1. Implement automated prevention and restoration techniques
2. Use browser-based tools to guide you through the required steps
3. Eliminate effort by integrating with immutable backups and existing security tools
4. Deliver a learning system that continuously stays up to date
Getting the data back is vital in any recovery, but insufficient to get back on the air. Removing the malware from your system and application software is equally important. File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) techniques, used on Linux and Windows for years, has come to the mainframe. It required for compliance with all major security standards because it allows you identify, and now, restore all compromised components. But even that isn’t enough. Modern implementations add advanced early warning and detection so you can prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. After all the best recovery is no recovery.
There is currently no attachment for Ransomware recovery – It is more than just getting your data back
Al Saurette has been delivering innovation to IT problem areas for over 30 years. With experience on mainframes, open systems and mobile platforms, Al is a thought leader in the area of security and compliance for major banks, insurance and government clients throughout North America, Europe and around the world. Al is now focused on combating Ransomware and other internal threats to security at the enterprise level.
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