
You’re only as resilient as your weakest link


Stream: Monaco
Time: 12:00 - 13:00


The IBM z/OS platform continues to lead in mainframe resiliency.  The hardware and storage infrastructures, as well as the database systems, continue to improve and deliver unparalleled levels of resiliency.  However, these capabilities are not enough to address today’s requirements for resiliency, especially when you consider the requirements of legislation such as the Digital Operational Resilience Act of 2022 (DORA) in the EU.  This type of regulation will likely become the norm in all geographies.  Can your organization meet the stringent demands and audit requirements such as DORA?  To meet these demands will require more than a homegrown manual set of processes and procedures. This session will discuss how IBM Z Batch Resiliency provides greater resiliency, automation and auditability for your organization.


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  • Chris Taylor at 21CS
  • Chris Taylor is a Technical Sales Executive working for 21st Century Software and is based in Southern California. He has over 35 years in the IT profession, previously working in the IBM Z Software Migration Project Office specializing in implementation and migration services for DFSMS and other mainframe storage products. He has also worked for Computer Associates, Sterling Software and Software AG in both the United States and Europe, as a specialist in storage mainframe software supportand technical services. He currently is focused on mainframe data protection optimization and risk avoidance.



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