
Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift Cluster deployments on z/OS using zCX


Stream: Indianapolis
Time: 15:15 - 16:15


In this session, we will discuss an exciting new product that was released this year which provides you the capability to deploy Red Hat OpenShift Cluster on z/OS using z/OS Container Extensions (zCX).  zCX allows you to provision and deploy Red Hat OpenShift Cluster nodes in z/OS address spaces and use z/OS operational controls to manage them.  We will discuss what you will need in terms of requirements, infrastructure services, and planning to deploy Red Hat OpenShift Cluster nodes on z/OS using zCX and will walkthrough deploying a self-contained Red Hat OpenShift Cluster using the zCX z/OSMF provisioning workflow.  We will also discuss zCX OpenShift cluster nodes life cycle management using zCX z/OSMF workflows and Red Hat OpenShift documented methods.


FE Attachments


  • Stephen Warren at Sponsor: IBM
  • Steve is a Senior Technical Staff Member working at the IBM Poughkeepsie, NY USA laboratory as a Principal Client Engineering Solution Architect, helping IBM Z clients modernize their workloads and processes,as well as enabling z/OS to be a cloud-centric platform.  He is also the creator of the z/OS BCPii and z/OS Client Web Enablement Toolkit z/OS components and still acts as an advocate for both.  Steve is a seasoned presenter, and frequently presents at conferences around the world about a wide variety of topics related to z/OS.  



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