Stream: Indianapolis
Time: 10:15 - 11:15
This session will discuss the highlightls of z/OS V2.5 - both GA and the recent Continuous Delivery enhancements which have been incorporated. In some cases the enhancements that were added to z/OS V2.5, might have been included in prior releases.
Because the latest z/OS relase is jammed packed with functions, the descriptions will be short, but surely there will be functions that you have been watiing for since many of them were in response to customer requirements.
Come learn about all the great new functions you can exploit on z/OS V2.5!
There is currently no attachment for What’s New in z/OS 2.5
Marna Walle is a Senior Technical Staff Member from the z/OS Development organization in IBM Systems in Poughkeepsie, New York. Some of her current responsibilities include z/OS release upgrade and installation improvements. Marna is a member of the IBM Academy of Technology, and is a frequent speaker at customer conferences
Steve is a Senior Technical Staff Member working at the IBM Poughkeepsie, NY USA laboratory as a Principal Client Engineering Solution Architect, helping IBM Z clients modernize their workloads and processes,as well as enabling z/OS to be a cloud-centric platform. He is also the creator of the z/OS BCPii and z/OS Client Web Enablement Toolkit z/OS components and still acts as an advocate for both. Steve is a seasoned presenter, and frequently presents at conferences around the world about a wide variety of topics related to z/OS.
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