
Parwez Hamid

Independent Consultant

Parwez Hamid was an Executive IT Consultant with the IBM Server and Technology Group and a Technical Staff member of the IBM UK Technical Council. Since 1974, Parwez worked in various IT roles within IBM. He worked with many IBM mainframe clients, mainly introducing new technology. as a Consultant for System z in IBM Poughkeepsie and provided Technical Support for the IBM System z hardware product portfolio. Parwez co-authored ITSO Redbooks publications and he prepared technical material for the worldwide announcement of System Z. Parwez worked with System z product development in Poughkeepsie and provided input and feedback for future product plans. Parwez taught and presented at numerous IBM user group and internal conferences. He was an instructor for the ITSO Worldwide Workshops. Since retirement, Parwez has continued to take interest in System z and still presents at external events.

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