Stream: Wellington B
Time: 16:45 - 17:45
Expect fun. Expect frustration. Expect to be thinking and talking about this for a while afterwards. Expect to wish you’d brought paper.
The session is a facilitated group activity, not a training session. It’s designed to highlight the luck of the draw in life, letting you see things from a different perspective & take a walk in someone else’s shoes. Don’t know what that means? … well, there’s one way to find out.
Your facilitator is Resli Costabell. She has been facilitating fun & challenging group activities since before the earth cooled. Resli loves showing people how they can use cool ideas and techniques from the art and science of psychology, to be more effective or experience more joie de vivre.
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Resli Costabell won the world championship in Creative Thinking at the 2014 Mind Sports Olympiad, and later was awarded the title International Master of Creative Thinking. She is an award-winning international speaker, trainer, and coach. Resli specializes in applying the art and science of psychology, and you’re welcome to follow along for free at Resli’s clients and assignments are wide-ranging; she has taught group dynamics to IBM, coaching to Procter & Gamble, and presentation skills to Disney. Resli has delivered GSE keynotes on topics such as Motivating & Influencing; Credibility, Confidence & Charisma; and Dealing With Difficult People. She works all over the world… basically, wherever they’ll pay her to go. Resli loves working with mainframers. Truly. She loves their values, their quirky humour, their intelligence, and their enduring appreciation of Dilbert and Monty Python.
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