Stream: Wellington A
Time: 10:15 - 11:15
Customers new to z/VM have different expectations when it comes to the installation experience compared to experienced z/VM customers. It takes time and effort to get a new z/VM environment set up, which unfortunately can result in z/VM being perceived as "difficult". What if a full system, based on z/VM, could be delivered at a new installation with only a few commands or interactions? What if that system contained not just z/VM but a Linux instance with pre-installed automation to drive installation of subsystems like Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center? How could such a z/VM-based system be built, and how would the process work? Come on an adventure into z/VM delivery that provides more than just the hypervisor
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Vic Cross works as a Senior Technical Specialist in the IBM zAcceleration Team, a worldwide team focussed on helping IBM clients take advantage of modern technologies, such as OpenShift and Cloud Paks, on IBM zSystems. He has over 25 years’ experience in IBM zSystems, most of which has been working with Linux and z/VM. His IBM career spans almost 20 years in Systems, Lab Services, and Strategic Outsourcing. Vic’s mainframe career started as an SNA networking specialist implementing VTAM and NCP. He is the author of several IBM Redbooks publications, spanning the length of IBM’s support of Linux on zSystems. Vic holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Computing) from the Queensland University of Technology, and lives in Redland (near Brisbane) in Australia.
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