Stream: Monza
Time: 10:15 - 11:15
Discover or learn more about the options and features that make z/OS Communications Server TCP/IP and its use of IBM Z-specific interfaces unique amongst other operating systems. Aimed at z/OS Systems Programmers who want an insight into configuring TCP/IP in simple monoplex or complex parallel sysplex IP network environments, many of which are now being segmented and segregated with network technologies such as Cisco ACI and next-generation firewalls.
There is currently no attachment for TCP/IP Networking in z/OS 102 - Making sense of the dark art
Lee started his IBM mainframe career in 1987 as a Trainee Computer Operator at the VSEL shipyard, Barrow-in-Furness. Two years later he joined the Telecommunications department as a Network Systems Engineer; generating NCPs for 37xx Communications Controllers and configuring VTAM definitions in the days when 64K SDLC WAN links and 16 Mbps Token-Ring LANs were considered ample bandwidth for subarea SNA networks. His TCP/IP experience started at Gulf Business Machines (IBM) in Bahrain in 1992 and he has developed his skills in SNA and TCP/IP networking over the last three decades to become one of the UK's leading z/OS, z/VM and Linux on Z Network Engineers. For the past six years he has worked as a freelance contractor with MTM Solutions Ltd, a family business he runs with his wife Debbie, who provides services and support for the Charity and Education sectors while Lee concentrates on mainframe network engineering.
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