Stream: Wellington A
Time: 11:45 - 12:45
This session could just as easily be titled “Tales from the Trenches”. Your speaker has decades of experience working with clients from around the world, implementing and supporting Linux on zSystems (and now OpenShift). Over that time some key themes have emerged as paths to possible success or certain ruin. Vic will also discuss the role of automation in a successful well-run system, and show how Ansible in particular can be adapted to suit changing requirements (Linux and z/VM tell z/OS what to do, for a change!).
The session is intended to be light and interactive. Those who are new to implementing Linux on zSystems will likely get the most from this session, but anyone with an interest in Linux on zSystems should get something out of it!
There is currently no attachment for Linux on zSystems: Hints, Tips, and Automation
Vic Cross works as a Senior Technical Specialist in the IBM zAcceleration Team, a worldwide team focussed on helping IBM clients take advantage of modern technologies, such as OpenShift and Cloud Paks, on IBM zSystems. He has over 25 years’ experience in IBM zSystems, most of which has been working with Linux and z/VM. His IBM career spans almost 20 years in Systems, Lab Services, and Strategic Outsourcing. Vic’s mainframe career started as an SNA networking specialist implementing VTAM and NCP. He is the author of several IBM Redbooks publications, spanning the length of IBM’s support of Linux on zSystems. Vic holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Computing) from the Queensland University of Technology, and lives in Redland (near Brisbane) in Australia.
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