Stream: Storage Management
Time: 12:00 - 13:00
During this session we will review some basics about Count Key Data DASD attached to z/OS for the new storage administrator then we will move onto some use cases for moving volumes, storage groups, partial or entire data centers using TDMF. We will explore the new UI/UX for creating jobs to migrate volumes and we will show how TDMF can be used for UCB constraint relief.
There is currently no attachment for Large scale DASD migration for new or seasoned storage administrators
John has been working on IBM mainframe system for 42 years. He started in operations, quickly moved to systems programming and has spent the last 33 years in systems software development working on disaster recovery products, and transparent data migration, encryption and cloud related products . He is currently the 21st Century Senior Product Manager for storage products and continues to code and learn concepts on z/OS. He is familiar with most DADSM, DFSMS, catalog, and I/O structures and has multiple IBM patents with a 21CS patent pending.
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