
Zero Trust and RACF: Moving towards Least Access Privilege


Stream: Security
Time: 13:45 - 14:45


Is Zero Trust the single most important step forward in security architecture that will revolutionize how we protect our systems or is it yet another scam initiated by organizations who know nothing about security in the real world, designed to scare our management into buying products to address a problem which doesn’t really exist?

This session explores the basic concepts of zero trust and identifies the actions that a z/OS RACF installation can do right now to start down the path toward zero trust.


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  • Mark Nelson at IBM USA
  • Mark Nelson, CISSP®, CSSLP® is a Senior Technical Staff Member with IBM's z/OS® Security Server Design and Development Team in Poughkeepsie NY, where he has spent the past 35+ years working on RACF®. Mark's focus with RACF has been on auditing and data analysis (IRRDBU00, IRRADU00, RACFICE), RACF's Health Checks, RACF/Db2, RACF's support for digital certificates, and RACF's encrypted VSAM data set support.

    Mark is an active speaker on RACF, having spoken to user groups and IBM field representatives on four continents, and has received several SHARE "Best Session" awards, six-and-a-half "Top Gun/Best Session" awards from the Vanguard Enterprise Security Expo, four GSE "Best Vendor Session" awards, and was the 1999 recipient of the Vanguard "Chairman's Award".

    Mark is a co-author of the book "Mainframe Security for Security Experts: A Introduction to RACF", has helped write several Redbooks, and has published articles in NaSPA's Technical Support, z/Journal, and IBM's Hot Topics.

    Mark is the director of the Mid-Hudson Valley IBM Club Chorus and a private pilot. Mark is also a world record holder in the "Hokey Pokey".



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