Stream: New Technologies
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Since November 2021 Linux on z has been a platform to develop and run .NET applications. In this session I will introduce the technology and show how applications may be built and run on z. Discover how this technology extends the z consolidation strategy to a key technology and how it's a full .NET stack, not an approximation or a simulation. Plus, it's not just usable by Linux, but also by zCX. See examples of it being used in various scenarios and how it takes advantage of the instruction set of whatever processor it runs on.
There is currently no attachment for .NET for Linux on z
As principal engineer at Sine Nomine Associates, I have been doing Linux on the mainframe since it was a skunkworks project within IBM. I have authored several articles in publications such as Enterprise Technical Journal (and its predecessors) and have presented on z/VM and Linux around the world. I am a maintainer of the CentOS-like distribution of Linux on z Systems, the Mono project (.Net on Linux), and the High Availability Option on z and Power. I am a member of the Open Mainframe Project and Linux Foundation.
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