Stream: Systems Management
Time: 16:00 - 17:00
JCL Variables in IzWS featuring EQQJVXIT takes a deep dive into the use of IzWS variables that may be used in JCL, the directives that can further control them and at the JCL Variable exit available in the IzWS Samples.
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Anna has worked with mainframes for 48 years (from leaving school) and the attached photo is around 20 years old - just grey the hair to bring it up to date). Anna started working in London for a large bank in 1975, starting in their EDP department (Electronic Data Processing) as a "Release clerk" Telexing program release information to their 2 branch datacenters. After a year that position moved out of London and she moved to their International Data centre as an operator, where she first came face to face with a mainframe, an IBM 370/145. And so her love of the mainframe started. Corner her with a glass of wine and she can tell of the various exploits of shift operators at the time. Eventually, that job also moved out of London, but this time she went with it. Now a shift leader on much larger machines (3033). She worked on several projects to automate the banks operations, using MPF, OCCF and NCCF to process and automate message traffic (now SA - System Automation); using SAR (now CA-View) to reduce printing and then moving to automate batch processing using UCC7 (CA7). In 1985 the bank decided to replace CA7 with OPC/A and Anna found her second love. In 1997 she was headhunted by IBM and joined as an OPC Consultant. Since then she has supported many users as they moved from other batch schedulers to IWSz. She also provides OPC (IzWS) exploitation consultancy, health checks and any other IzWS consultancy required. At home she is an unpaid child-sitter (and taxi service) for her grandson (her granddaughter is now at Uni).
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