
Ian Hartley

Precisely Limited

Ian is a Senior Director of Product Management at Precisely where he is responsible for the Ironstream® line of products.  He has always had mainframe and IBM i somewhere in the mix.

Starting back in the late 80’s with COBOL he has never looked back.  Always stretching the envelope.  Ian has been through the full software development lifecycle and experience. From, powering on/off mainframes with 8” floppy disks to working with many systems, platforms and languages: REXX, assembler, C/++/#, Smalltalk, Pascal, VB, Java, Swift, today’s modern web technologies and frameworks like Angular and React …and lots of other things in between. His experience includes development (obvs!), architecture and implementation of mission-critical, customer-facing systems and global rollouts. When not running a trail or riding miles on his road bike, Ian can be found at one of his laptops writing the script for his next webcast, article or formulating the next product plan.


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