Stream: Systems Management
Time: 15:15 - 16:15
Attention z/OS asset managers and operations personnel! Are you getting the most value from the extensive information captured and managed by IBM Z Software Asset Management (IZSAM, formerly known as TADz)? In this hands-on interactive session, we'll take you through exercises that demonstrate how to leverage the information within IZSAM to help you manage the software running in your environment(s). You'll better understand how to make IZSAM benefit your organization, whether that be avoiding dead/redundant software costs, preventing SLA/audit compliance issues, or staying on top of key software updates. Make sure to bring your own laptop or tablet and use your favourite browser to learn how to make the most out of the extensive information reported by the IZSAM Analyzer web application.
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Peter has built extensive technical knowledge in the IBM Z platform through a career spanning more than40 years working in the IBM mainframe environment. He spent 28 years as a senior software engineer and architect at IBM, developing and supporting many software products for the IBM Z environment. Peter undertook leading roles in designing and developing many of these products including Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF), File Manager, Fault Analyzer, z/OS Debugger, Language Environment and COBOL compilers. Peter has played a key role in helping IBM customers with implementation and migration to IBM Z systems DevOps products. He also provides services to customers implementing IBM Z Software Asset Management (IZSAM).
Current Assignment: Senior Solution Architect for zSystems Lab Services at HCL Technologies
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