
Storage Violations in CICS - prevention, detection and recovery


Stream: CICS
Time: 15:00 - 16:00


What is a CICS storage violation?

How does CICS detect storage violations?

What actions might CICS take following a storage violation?

How can you prevent storage violations?

How should you recover from a storage violation?

What new protection does CICS TS 6.1 provide?

This session will discuss good practice in the prevention, detection and recovery from CICS storage violations.


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  • Steve Foley at IBM UK LTD.
  • Steve Foley is a Chartered IT Professional, and is the IBM CICS rep for UK and Ireland. He has worked with CICS and the mainframe  in systems programming and technical pre-sales roles since 1987, and speaks frequently on CICS and IBM Z topics. He has a BSc (Hons) in Computer Science from Edinburgh University.


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