
Managing the IMS catalog database from the DBA perspective


Stream: IMS & WIT
Time: 10:15 - 11:15


You may be planning for or implementing the IMS catalog on your way to IMS managed ACBs, or to provide your applications with SQL access to your IMS databases. How does this both impact and help you as a DBA? Since the catalog is an IMS database (specifically a HALDB), you must monitor and manage it accordingly. It also contains insights into your IMS databases. Come learn the best ways to manage the catalog database and how to use it to better understand your IMS database environment.


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  • Tracy Dean at IBM USA
  • Tracy Dean is an IBM Product Manager, responsible for z/VM Tools and IMS Tools. With over 37 years of Z experience, she works with customers worldwide to understand their pain points and drive development teams to address their needs.



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