
Smooth sailing through post-install with z/OSMF workflows


Stream: Db2
Time: 13:45 - 14:45


Post install configurations of any mainframe program, particularly those optimized to work with Db2 for z/OS, can be tedious and complex depending on the parameters and the environment. In this session we will explore how z/OSMF workflows can help streamline this process with a scalable and modern approach. We also will touch on how the addition of Ansible can further smooth the experience. This session is intended to be interactive as we want to hear from you on your pain points today with respect to the post-install configuration process and how you would like to see z/OSMF workflows improve your experience.


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  • Rabah Beggar at Broadcom Mainframe Software
  • Rabah Beggar is a Product Manager with 9+ years of experience in enterprise software and Mainframe, across IBM, Oracle, and Broadcom. Currently, at Broadcom's Mainframe Software Division, Rabah leads IMS Tools, Smart/RESTART, and Db2 Tools Post-Install. Their core focus is on delivering impactful solutions and improving the DBA experience.


  • Emil Kotrc at Broadcom Mainframe Software
  • Emil is an experienced Principal Software Architect with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Skilled in IBM Db2, Agile Methodologies, Databases, and IBM Mainframe. Strong engineering professional with a Ph.D. focused in Mathematical engineering from Czech Technical University in Prague. Emil is also an active member of the International Db2 User Group (IDUG), member of IDUG content committee, speaker at international conferences, and an IBM Champion since 2015.



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