
What’s New in App Connect (12.0.10 and beyond)


Stream: MQ
Time: 11:45 - 12:45


This session will give a brief overview of ACE 12.0.10 integration and then discuss all the latest enhancements and deliverables in App Connect Enterprise including App Connect Enterprise Certified Container and App Connect Enterprise as a service (ACEaaS) updates.


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  • Dominic Storey at IBM UK LTD.
  • Dominic Storey is an IBM Master Inventor and Technical Leader working in the Hybrid Integration team. His specialism is in IBM Integration and he is currently working on the next generation of IBM Integration products including App Connect. In a previous life he was Technical Lead in the IBM Integration Bus Industry Team who have delivered the Healthcare, Retail and Manufacturing Packs. He has also worked within the MQSeries and Message Broker Development teams in IBM Hursley since 1997 and has worked on many parts of these products in this time more notably the Message Broker API, Pattern Authoring and the Message Broker Explorer. @domStorey



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