
Testing the mainframe without knowing the mainframe!


Stream: 102
Time: 10:15 - 11:15


Writing a test is hard, automating it is harder and even tougher if you don’t know the interfaces you are working with.  Galasa is an open source project that provides your automated tests with a common API to allow you to focus on writing the tests!  From 3270, to batch to docker containers  Galasa can help you to test it.  In this session we will explain what Galasa is and also provide a getting started guide.


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  • Jade Carino at IBM UK LTD.
  • Jade has been with IBM UK for 3 years after joining as a Software Developer apprentice. She joined the Galasa open source project two years ago and has since been involved in the development of several features of Galasa and is responsible for its infrastructure.


    Jade is an IBM Inventor, the winner of a TechWomen100 award and was a finalist for IT Apprentice of the Year 2021. She is a huge advocate for apprenticeships and for early professionals working in the mainframe space.



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