Stream: zP&C
Time: 11:45 - 12:45
The authors of the presentation have years of experience helping people understand the performance of their z/OS systems, in part by visualizing the performance details that are stored in the SMF data. You probably won’t be surprised to find that we’re quite interested in data visualization as a discipline. In this webinar, Peter Enrico and Jamie Novotny will explore the psychology behind data visualization, discuss some visualization best practices, ridicule examples of poor visualizations, and explain how performance reports work to avoid obfuscation and promote understanding.
Peter Enrico is the President of Enterprise Performance Strategies, Inc., which he founded in 2000. Along with Scott Chapman, Peter is the co-designer and developer of Pivotor®, a web-based z/OS SMF data mining, reporting, and analysis solution. Peter’s background includes RMF design and development, WLM design and development, MVS performance design and analysis for IBM, and much more. Peter has done z/OS analysis for hundreds of z/OS shops, is a highly effective workshop instructor, teaches a z/OS performance fundamentals class for Marist College, and is highly skilled at measurement analysis. Peter is CMG’s 2014 Mullen Award winner, has won numerous SHARE best session awards, and has been recognized with a SHARE Distinguished Speaker award.
Jamie is an experienced customer service professional in and out of the field of Information Technology. She has earned a BA in Psychology and a Master's in Social Work, and she enjoys discussing psychology in the workplace. Jamie works to coordinate workshops, develop marketing materials, moderate monthly webinars, maintain our CRM software, and focus on daily business administration efforts.
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