
A Different "Weigh" to Define LPAR Weights


Stream: zP&C
Time: 13:45 - 14:45


 For years, the classic way to define LPAR weights is to make the sum of all LPAR weights equal to 1,000, or some other standard number. In these days of Hiperdispatch and its reliance on engine polarity, this does not give us readily useful information. This presentation will offer a different way to define LPAR weights, one that may be more useful in today's world


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  • Jim Horne at Lowes
  • Jim Horne has been a mainframe systems programmer since his first day on the job in 1984, and has no idea what he wants to be when he grows up. In the meantime, he is a specialist in performance tuning and capacity planning for the mainframe environment at Lowe's Companies, where he has been for  over 20 years.  He has presented many tmes at Share and CMG in the United States on various performance and capacity topics, unravelling the complexities of RMF and SMF data.



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