
z16 Concepts and Real-world Experiences


Stream: zP&C
Time: 16:30 - 17:30


With its introduction of virtual cache at levels 2, 3, and 4, the z16 represents the most significant change to the z processor architecture since the z13. The magnitude of these changes has understandably generated a great deal of curiosity into how this virtual cache approach operates conceptually and how it is actually performing at customer sites. The two speakers in this session will tackle both of those topics: (a) John will highlight all the key z16 advances with particular focus on the new cache architecture, explaining the concepts so you can optimize your configuration. (b) Todd will present findings from numerous customer upgrades quantifying the extent to which z16s are delivering on their rated capacity.


QL Attachments


  • John Baker at ?
  • John Baker, Senior Consultant at IntelliMagic, has been working with mainframes for over 30 years, both as a customer and consultant. His primary focus has been on system and application performance. As a customer, John designed, implemented and maintained many critical projects such as WLM Goal Mode, GDPS/Data Mirroring, and merging datacenters. As a consultant, John has assisted many of the world's largest datacenters with their z/OS performance challenges. John is a frequent and much appreciated speaker at industry events like SHARE, CMG, GSE and IBM conferences. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Computer Measurement Group (CMG) and currently volunteers with the MVS Performance Project (MVSP) at SHARE. In his spare time, John enjoys pool, motorcycles, his dog, old port and a spirited political debate. He lives with his family near Toronto, Canada.


  • Todd Havekost at ?
  • Todd Havekost has over 40 years of IT experience with a primary focus on system and subsystem performance across the IBM Z platform. He joined IntelliMagic in 2016 after experiencing first-hand as a customer the visibility IntelliMagic Vision provides into SMF data, and now spends his days helping customers derive great value from their own SMF data to improve availability and performance. Todd is a highly-regarded industry speaker and has given award winning presentations at events such as SHARE and CMG.



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