
Mainframe is love, Mainframe is life: Story of a new sys-prog


Stream: Mainframe Skills & Learning
Time: 13:15 - 14:15


I was only 19 years old. I loved mainframes so much, I had all the stickers and badges. I’d pray to the mainframe gods everynight before I go to bed, thanking for the career trajectory I've been given. “Mainframe is love”, I would say, “Mainframe is life”... This talk gives the story of a starry-eyed undergraduate who now works in the big world of mainframe; how he got there, what he studied and the challenges along the way. It proposes ideas for how to encourage the next generation of mainframers from the perspective of someone who has already gone through it. 


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  • Lukas Jaks at IVV GmbH
  • Email:


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