
Explain explained


Stream: Virtual Room 2
Time: 09:00 - 10:00


Understanding what Db2 explain tells us can be intimidating to less experienced application developers and Dba's. Breaking down complex access paths to the basic components helps finding the pain points in an SQL statement.

This is a beginner's session looking for Db2 Explain.


There is currently no attachment for Explain explained


  • Julia Carter at Sponsor: Broadcom Mainframe Software
  • Julia Carter has 18 years' experience with Db2 and is a Db2 Consultant at Broadcom in Europe. Previously she has worked as a Database Administrator for banks in UK and Mexico.
    She is a member of the IDUG Content Committee and the GSE UK Db2 committee. Julia is co-host of the IDUG Table Talk podcasts.
    She has been an IBM Champion for Data and AI since 2020.


  • Julia Carter at Sponsor: Broadcom Mainframe Software
  • Julia Carter has 18 years' experience with Db2 and is a Db2 Consultant at Broadcom in Europe. Previously she has worked as a Database Administrator for banks in UK and Mexico.
    She is a member of the IDUG Content Committee and the GSE UK Db2 committee. Julia is co-host of the IDUG Table Talk podcasts.
    She has been an IBM Champion for Data and AI since 2020.


  • Julia Carter at Sponsor: Broadcom Mainframe Software
  • Julia Carter has 18 years' experience with Db2 and is a Db2 Consultant at Broadcom in Europe. Previously she has worked as a Database Administrator for banks in UK and Mexico.
    She is a member of the IDUG Content Committee and the GSE UK Db2 committee. Julia is co-host of the IDUG Table Talk podcasts.
    She has been an IBM Champion for Data and AI since 2020.


  • Julia Carter at Sponsor: Broadcom Mainframe Software
  • Julia Carter has 18 years' experience with Db2 and is a Db2 Consultant at Broadcom in Europe. Previously she has worked as a Database Administrator for banks in UK and Mexico.
    She is a member of the IDUG Content Committee and the GSE UK Db2 committee. Julia is co-host of the IDUG Table Talk podcasts.
    She has been an IBM Champion for Data and AI since 2020.


  • Julia Carter at Sponsor: Broadcom Mainframe Software
  • Julia Carter has 18 years' experience with Db2 and is a Db2 Consultant at Broadcom in Europe. Previously she has worked as a Database Administrator for banks in UK and Mexico.
    She is a member of the IDUG Content Committee and the GSE UK Db2 committee. Julia is co-host of the IDUG Table Talk podcasts.
    She has been an IBM Champion for Data and AI since 2020.


  • Julia Carter at Sponsor: Broadcom Mainframe Software
  • Julia Carter has 18 years' experience with Db2 and is a Db2 Consultant at Broadcom in Europe. Previously she has worked as a Database Administrator for banks in UK and Mexico.
    She is a member of the IDUG Content Committee and the GSE UK Db2 committee. Julia is co-host of the IDUG Table Talk podcasts.
    She has been an IBM Champion for Data and AI since 2020.



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