Stream: Virtual Room 8
Time: 10:30 - 11:30
Cloud and mobile applications built on RESTful APIs, that use JSON message formats, are the predominant standards for new application development. With z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition (z/OS Connect), IBM provides a framework that enables z/OSbased programs and data to play a fundamental role in an enterprise hybrid cloud strategy. z/OS Connect allows z/OS resources (applications and data hosted in subsystems such as CICS, IMS, IBM MQ, and Db2) to be exposed as RESTful APIs. Thanks to that, mobile and cloud application developers can incorporate z/OS data and transactions into their applications without the need to understand z/OS subsystems. At the same time, z/OS Connect provides the capability for CICS, IMS, and z/OS applications to access any RESTful endpoint, inside or outside z/OS, through RESTful APIs with JSON formatted messages. In this paper, after a short overview of the z/OS Connect architecture, we will discuss what you need to do to measure z/OS Connect activity: • from outside, by using “traditional” measurements provided by SMF 30 and 72 records, • from inside, by using the new SMF 123 records. |
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Danilo Gipponi has been involved in Service Levels and Cost Accounting projects since 1986. After 9 years with SAS Institute and 5 years with BMC, in 2003 he founded EPV Technologies. He has been the president of CMG-Italia since 2011 and previously served from 2001 to 2004, and overall he has been an officer of CMG-Italia for 23 years. Danilo Gipponi is a regular speaker in many International Conferences.
Danilo Gipponi has been involved in Service Levels and Cost Accounting projects since 1986. After 9 years with SAS Institute and 5 years with BMC, in 2003 he founded EPV Technologies. He has been the president of CMG-Italia since 2011 and previously served from 2001 to 2004, and overall he has been an officer of CMG-Italia for 23 years. Danilo Gipponi is a regular speaker in many International Conferences.
Danilo Gipponi has been involved in Service Levels and Cost Accounting projects since 1986. After 9 years with SAS Institute and 5 years with BMC, in 2003 he founded EPV Technologies. He has been the president of CMG-Italia since 2011 and previously served from 2001 to 2004, and overall he has been an officer of CMG-Italia for 23 years. Danilo Gipponi is a regular speaker in many International Conferences.
Danilo Gipponi has been involved in Service Levels and Cost Accounting projects since 1986. After 9 years with SAS Institute and 5 years with BMC, in 2003 he founded EPV Technologies. He has been the president of CMG-Italia since 2011 and previously served from 2001 to 2004, and overall he has been an officer of CMG-Italia for 23 years. Danilo Gipponi is a regular speaker in many International Conferences.
Danilo Gipponi has been involved in Service Levels and Cost Accounting projects since 1986. After 9 years with SAS Institute and 5 years with BMC, in 2003 he founded EPV Technologies. He has been the president of CMG-Italia since 2011 and previously served from 2001 to 2004, and overall he has been an officer of CMG-Italia for 23 years. Danilo Gipponi is a regular speaker in many International Conferences.
Danilo Gipponi has been involved in Service Levels and Cost Accounting projects since 1986. After 9 years with SAS Institute and 5 years with BMC, in 2003 he founded EPV Technologies. He has been the president of CMG-Italia since 2011 and previously served from 2001 to 2004, and overall he has been an officer of CMG-Italia for 23 years. Danilo Gipponi is a regular speaker in many International Conferences.
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