
Immutable Backups - The Restore Challenge


Stream: Storage Management
Time: 15:15 - 16:00


Don’t be caught out thinking immutable backups solve all attack vectors when a little preplanning can prevent problems when under attack. IBM, Dell and Hitachi have done a great job of making the backup of your entire system quick and easy. However, when you go to recover there is work to do. 

Specific questions include:
• What was compromised, so what do I need to recover? (hint – it is rarely your whole complex)
• Which backup is right one to recover from (time / date)
• How do I recover the most recent, trusted version of my database?
• How do I restore my system components  when malware could have been inserted weeks ago?
• Is there a way to automate the recovery so it is faster and more precise?

This session highlights some of the issues with restoring from immutable backups.

Recovery, of any type, requires planning and is situational in nature.

New technology can have a dramatic impact on recovery time and completeness.


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  • Allen Saurette at MainTegrity Inc
  • Al Saurette has been delivering innovation to IT problem areas for over 40 years. With experience on mainframes, open systems and mobile platforms, Al is a thought leader in the area of security and compliance for major banks, insurance and government clients throughout North America, Europe and around the world. Al is now focused on combating Ransomware and other internal threats to security at the enterprise level.                                      


  • Allen Saurette at MainTegrity Inc
  • Al Saurette has been delivering innovation to IT problem areas for over 40 years. With experience on mainframes, open systems and mobile platforms, Al is a thought leader in the area of security and compliance for major banks, insurance and government clients throughout North America, Europe and around the world. Al is now focused on combating Ransomware and other internal threats to security at the enterprise level.                                      


  • Allen Saurette at MainTegrity Inc
  • Al Saurette has been delivering innovation to IT problem areas for over 40 years. With experience on mainframes, open systems and mobile platforms, Al is a thought leader in the area of security and compliance for major banks, insurance and government clients throughout North America, Europe and around the world. Al is now focused on combating Ransomware and other internal threats to security at the enterprise level.                                      



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