
Assembly for mainframes isn't scary!


Stream: WAVEZ 101
Time: 15:15 - 16:00


MVC TITEL(37),=C'Assembly for mainframes isn't scary!’

In this session we are showing how to start with an assembler program on IBM Z.

We will show 'Hello World' in Assembly and, time permits, show the Fibonacci sequence in assembler.

This session will not make you an assembler developer but gives you some insights how an assembler program works and what are basic constructs.



AW Attachments


  • Ross Cruickshank at IBM
  • IBM Z Technical Influencer Content Lead for IBM Z XPlore

    From Z to Arduino and pretty much everything in between.  Developer advocate for integration, enterprise platforms, cloud, and trying stuff out.

    40 years in the indiustry, almost all with IBM - hardware design, embedded expert systems, unix databases, messaging integration, infrastructure management, cloud appdev and devops, Z skills - endless fun!



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