
Software in space - what we can all learn from rocket scientists


Stream: WAVEZ 101
Time: 11:15 - 12:00


Software in space - what we can all learn from rocket scientists

This talk covers how software is used in space missions focusing on the four most high profile failures, and mission rescues.

Ariane 5, Cassini Huygens, Mars Polar Lander, and Spirit Rover.  These were all struck down by lack of testing, software not being switched off when it was no longer required, failure to understand metric and imperial conversion, and race conditions writing to memory.

While two of these projects had catastrophic results, the other two were (thankfully) rescued through a combination of brute force, raw ingenuity, and brilliant innovation.

This talks will cover each of the space missions and discuss how the lessons learnt can and should be applied to day to day programming and testing and architecture of all software packages, especially as shops rush to move to adopt agile results without fully understanding the risks.



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  • Joe Winchester at IBM UK LTD.
  • Joe is a Senior Technical Staff Member in the IBM z Systems software group. He is a member of the Zowe open mainframe project working with customers and business partners to create an open source tooling platform for z/OS tools.


  • Joe Winchester at IBM UK LTD.
  • Joe is a Senior Technical Staff Member in the IBM z Systems software group. He is a member of the Zowe open mainframe project working with customers and business partners to create an open source tooling platform for z/OS tools.


  • Joe Winchester at IBM UK LTD.
  • Joe is a Senior Technical Staff Member in the IBM z Systems software group. He is a member of the Zowe open mainframe project working with customers and business partners to create an open source tooling platform for z/OS tools.



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