
What's New in z/OS BCPii?


Stream: Large Systems
Time: 15:00 - 15:45


z/OS BCPii provides powerful capabilities for your applications and system programmers to automate hardware configuration and management natively from z/OS.   BCPii has introduced some new resiliency enhancements to make communications between the support element and BCPii more reliable than ever.  BCPii has also introduced a new display command for you to keep track of the connection status between the local CPC and other CPCs that your BCPii applications are you communicating with.  BCPii also has many new attributes that can be retrieved from the IBM z16.   Come learn about these new enhancements as well as a quick review of the newer HWIREST service to leverage the very latest options the hardware has made available!


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  • Stephen Warren at IBM USA
  • Steve is a Senior Technical Staff Member working at the IBM Poughkeepsie, NY USA laboratory as a Principal Solution Architect, helping IBM Z clients modernize their workloads, embrace hybrid cloud and leverage AI directly on the Z platform. He is also the creator of the z/OS BCPii and z/OS Client Web Enablement Toolkit z/OS components and still acts as an advocate for both. Steve is a seasoned presenter, and frequently presents at conferences around the world about a wide variety of topics related to z/OS.


  • Stephen Warren at IBM USA
  • Steve is a Senior Technical Staff Member working at the IBM Poughkeepsie, NY USA laboratory as a Principal Solution Architect, helping IBM Z clients modernize their workloads, embrace hybrid cloud and leverage AI directly on the Z platform. He is also the creator of the z/OS BCPii and z/OS Client Web Enablement Toolkit z/OS components and still acts as an advocate for both. Steve is a seasoned presenter, and frequently presents at conferences around the world about a wide variety of topics related to z/OS.


  • Stephen Warren at IBM USA
  • Steve is a Senior Technical Staff Member working at the IBM Poughkeepsie, NY USA laboratory as a Principal Solution Architect, helping IBM Z clients modernize their workloads, embrace hybrid cloud and leverage AI directly on the Z platform. He is also the creator of the z/OS BCPii and z/OS Client Web Enablement Toolkit z/OS components and still acts as an advocate for both. Steve is a seasoned presenter, and frequently presents at conferences around the world about a wide variety of topics related to z/OS.



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