
Jupyter Notebook - not just a tool for data scientists


Stream: New Technologies
Time: 16:15 - 17:00


This session will show how convenient it can be to mix instructions, command line utilities, Python scripting and generated visuals in a single screen - which is what Project Jupyter aimed to do and succeeded. A Jupyter Notebook instance running on z/OS and IBM Z Monitoring Configuration Manager workflows will be used to illustrate the capabilities of Notebooks - you will see how it can become your new favorite sandbox environment for experiments, a way to write a tutorial for a colleague, or simply an interactive book of your own notes for future reference.


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  • Egle Barusauskiene at Rocket Software UK Ltd
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  • Egle Barusauskiene at Rocket Software UK Ltd
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  • Egle Barusauskiene at Rocket Software UK Ltd
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