Stream: New Technologies
Time: 15:15 - 16:00
3270 screens display outdated and complex user interfaces. Why do many organizations still have a lot of them ? The reason could be the complexity, cost and risk associated with modernization projects.
In 2022, Marsh McLennan – the world’s largest insurance broker – used a novel and cost-effective approach to revitalize their mission critical insurance CICS application with a modern Web User Interface (UI), by leveraging:
1. their existing 3270 screens: no changes were made to the underlying CICS application,
2. the infrastructure of their browser-based terminal emulator which already served the 3270 screens as webpages with 3270 TE ergonomics,
3. a visual drag-and-drop IDE which allowed the CICS developers to create the new Web UI without any web development skills.
In this presentation, a Marsh McLennan representative will provide an overview of the approach and tools, Virtel Screen Redesigner, demonstrate a before/after application flow, and show how the IDE was used to create modern Web UI pages from existing 3270 screens.
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