Stream: Large Systems
Time: 10:00 - 10:45
The presenter continuously installed a new z/OS® 3.1 driver every month from December 2022 through September 2023 and experimented with its new functions as they became available. He will show you how these new functions operate and provide you with warnings, hints & tips, caveats, etc. based upon his early experiences and post-GA follow-up. This session is updated from what was presented in November 2023 with the latest fixes, updates, and enhancements. The session should be of particular interest to anyone planning to deploy z/OS 3.1 in 2024 or 2025.
There is currently no attachment for z/OS 3.1 User Experiences
Ed Jaffe began his software development career writing applications for government and research organizations in Washington, D.C. After moving to Los Angeles in 1982, he transitioned to the banking industry and eventually took a software development position with Phoenix Software International in 1987. He became Manager of Research & Development in the mid-1990s and was named Chief Technology Officer in 2009. Ed is co-Manager of the MVS Program at SHARE, an active participant in numerous mainframe-related social media sites and IBM's System z Partnerworld for Developers program, and is recognized throughout the mainframe community as a subject matter expert and strong advocate for the z Systems platform with an emphasis on z/OS.
Ed Jaffe began his software development career writing applications for government and research organizations in Washington, D.C. After moving to Los Angeles in 1982, he transitioned to the banking industry and eventually took a software development position with Phoenix Software International in 1987. He became Manager of Research & Development in the mid-1990s and was named Chief Technology Officer in 2009. Ed is co-Manager of the MVS Program at SHARE, an active participant in numerous mainframe-related social media sites and IBM's System z Partnerworld for Developers program, and is recognized throughout the mainframe community as a subject matter expert and strong advocate for the z Systems platform with an emphasis on z/OS.
Ed Jaffe began his software development career writing applications for government and research organizations in Washington, D.C. After moving to Los Angeles in 1982, he transitioned to the banking industry and eventually took a software development position with Phoenix Software International in 1987. He became Manager of Research & Development in the mid-1990s and was named Chief Technology Officer in 2009. Ed is co-Manager of the MVS Program at SHARE, an active participant in numerous mainframe-related social media sites and IBM's System z Partnerworld for Developers program, and is recognized throughout the mainframe community as a subject matter expert and strong advocate for the z Systems platform with an emphasis on z/OS.
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