
John Campbell's Greatest Hits, War Stories and Best Practice 2024 Part One


Stream: Db2
Time: 10:00 - 10:45


1. Learn recommended best practice
2. Learn from the good, bad and ugly experiences from other installations
3. Provide answers to important, frequent or difficult questions
Online removal of active log dataset
Online migration from PBG UTS to PBR UTS table spaces
ALTER TABLE DATA CAPTURE concurrency enhancement
User controls to improve the ability for SQL DDL operations to succeed and/or reduce application service
RUNSTATS and Page-level Sampling
WLM and DDF High Performance DBATs
DDF system parameters MAXCONQN and MAXCONQW
       Misunderstanding about DDF sysplex workload balancing


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  • John Campbell at Triton Consulting
  • John’s career began at Rolls Royce Aero Division in 1974. He then moved to IBM, taking on pivotal technical roles, including Lead for UK Technical Support for Db2 for z/OS. In 1994, he went on assignment to the IBM Silicon Valley Lab in San Jose as a senior performance analyst/engineer for Db2 Versions 3 and 4, with specific lead responsibility for Db2 Data Sharing. In 1998, he permanently joined Db2 for z/OS Development and in 2003 he was appointed as an IBM Distinguished Engineer. He has received multiple IBM Corporate Technical Recognition Awards and is an IDUG Hall of Fame Speaker. In August 2022, after over 40 years at IBM John retired from his role as an IBM Distinguished Engineer. In Jan 2024 John joined the Triton team as a Senior Consultant.



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