
Migrating to an Encrypted VSAM RACF Database - The Reality


Stream: Security
Time: 15:15 - 16:00


The session will be a full live demonstration of the encryption of a RACF database performed on a portable version of z/OS 3.1 running on zPDT.Additional notesLast year Mark Nelson and I did a single shared session in which we tried to cover the theory and practice of encryption of the database. However, despite being allowed extra time we still overran our time and I did not finish nor did I even attempt the second implementation that I had planned. This year Mark has suggested we do two sessions to cover similar ground – but fully The plan is for Mark to the theory while I will do practice. I think it would be useful if the two sessions could be consecutive; Mark’s first.


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  • Lennie Dymoke-Bradshaw at GSE UK
  • Lennie Dymoke-Bradshaw worked for IBM between 1996 and 2014. Lennie is partially retired but now performs work for various System z clients as a consultant.

    As a long-term MVS practitioner, he has worked with S/370 since 1975 when he started programming a 370/145 running DOS/VS in PL/1 and assembler. Over the years he has maintained his interest in programming while performing a variety of roles in applications programming, systems design, technical support, systems programming, software support, software pre-sales support and whatever other technical roles customers have asked him to do.

    During this time he has worked with (nearly) every level of RACF since RACF 1.3. Nowadays, Lennie also works with System z cryptography and maintains a keen interest in all computer security but especially in technical matters as applied to System z.



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