
Db2 for z/OS 101: Continuous Delivery


Stream: Db2
Time: 15:15 - 16:00


Are you new to Db2 for z/OS or recently returned to working with Db2 for z/OS? Continuous Delivery is a significant concept introduced in Db2 V12 that you will want to understand. This session will suggest answers to why you should care about continuous delivery and its purpose, how it interacts with your maintenance strategy, what are the various components involved in continuous delivery, and whether your application programmer colleagues need to understand all of this.


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  • Victoria Felt at IBM
  • Tori Felt is an Associate Technical Enablement Specialist in the IBM Z Washington Systems Center. As part of the Db2 for z/OS team, Tori analyses client data, makes technical recommendations, delivers the Db2 REST and Hybrid Cloud workshop, and develops new workshop offerings.


  • Victoria Felt at IBM
  • Tori Felt is an Associate Technical Enablement Specialist in the IBM Z Washington Systems Center. As part of the Db2 for z/OS team, Tori analyses client data, makes technical recommendations, delivers the Db2 REST and Hybrid Cloud workshop, and develops new workshop offerings.


  • Victoria Felt at IBM
  • Tori Felt is an Associate Technical Enablement Specialist in the IBM Z Washington Systems Center. As part of the Db2 for z/OS team, Tori analyses client data, makes technical recommendations, delivers the Db2 REST and Hybrid Cloud workshop, and develops new workshop offerings.



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